Hara, means one’s true nature; of who one truly is as a human being. So it is not just the physical center in the body but also the centre of one’s true nature.

My wish is to point you in the direction of the ‘beyond’.

To a symphony of golden threads that weaves this whole existence together. The ocean of light and unconditional love that some call universe or god. To connect you to the pulse of life that runs through each and everyone and that physicists have defined as “The Field”. For you to have an embodied experience of being one.

The intention of Hara

My heart's deepest intention is that you will experience this for yourself and be capable of having direct revelations of the ultimate truth. This will take you beyond the material plane and the rational mind… an awakening to your soul's calling and pathway of the heart.

Life never ends as our essence is by default timeless. It is a constant cycle of death and rebirth, and as you embrace this suffering, it softens into an acceptance of ‘what is’. An ebb and flow with life, not simply happening to you, but through you.

My wish is to empower you to awaken to your true divinity and full potential as co-creators of your own life and all of creation in this magical universe that we are all part of.

The night is darkest just before the dawn. As a collective we are going through a mass awakening, propelled onwards by this ‘pressure’, making us into diamonds one by one. So this is a calling for those souls ready to ascend. To hold the frequency of heaven here on earth.

About me, Ina Winter

I am a natural healing facilitator, working on bridging science and spirituality with an aim to experience life from a more connected place, and to access our own innate ability to naturally heal. I holds space, whether you need support on a physical, psychological or a spiritual matter. As a complementary treatment for wellness and healing, or as your guide in self-development and transformation.

Ever since I remember I have seen the threads of light weaving our existence, behind a very thin veil. As a child, seeing auras, communicating with spirits and astral traveling was just a natural part of life. As I grew older I was lacking proper guidance, an I decided to shut down due to the overwhelming nature of feeling and seeing my surroundings and the world this way.

Life has since then initiated me, and I´ve been battling depression, ptsd and autoimmune disease after a series of traumatic events. In 2017 faced the darkest nights of them all which lead to my kundalini awakening. Since then I have devoted myself to this work. I had no choice but to surrender, and with the exception of my son, this has been the greatest gift of my life.

I strongly belive that as a space holder, you can not take people where you have not been yourself, and my experiences has shaped me into the healer I am today.

I am a trained Energy Healer and Reader, A shamanistic practitioner, Kundalini Energy Bodyworker, Reiki Master and Teacher, Breathwork Facilitator and a Kundalini Yoga teacher. I draw upon all these modalities in my work in groups or 1:1 sessions.

The tools I use are the breath, movement, stillness, conscious presence, human touch and awareness. I am also in connection and channeling something I can only describe as the pure unconditional love that we are all made up of and should run freely in all of our veins.

Ina Winter, Oslo 2019