Upcoming events, retreats and trainings

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Portal to Grace - Mallorca retreat
to Sep 1

Portal to Grace - Mallorca retreat

This is an invitation to join us in August in the ancient Monastary of Son Roullan for a deep dive into the sacred work of the divine feminine.

With the support of the goddesses and the potent and magical land of Mallorca, we will create a sacred space and open a portal for transformation and healing, uniqly for this special moment in time with the intention of sharing practices and holding space for your awakening and innate wisdom to arise.

Together, we will move our bodies, breathe deeply, dance in celebration, partake in sacred ceremonies and rich practices, immerse ourselves in nature's embrace, savor delicious nourishment, and bask in the warm embrace of the sun. In our shared journey, we'll embrace laughter, love, tears, and cherish every moment of this precious time together.

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La dolce Fonte - Umbria retreat
to Jun 22

La dolce Fonte - Umbria retreat

Are you ready to immerse yourself in the divine source of sweetness?

You are invited to a week of deep nourishment, yogic science, and full sensory indulgence as we harness the potency of the honey-rose full moon and the summer solstice. Through transformative daily practices including yoga, breathwork and kirtan, each day will offer opportunities for connection and expansion. Join Amalia, Ina, and Laara in a beautiful Italian Villa, once an ancient glass factory, overlooking the lush hills of Umbria.

We will share delicious communal meals, savouring the vibrant flavours and abundant seasonal ingredients of the region. Woven through the week is a well curated itinerary of our favourite local experiences that will immerse you in the unique beauty and culture of the area. There will also be ample time for individual exploration and poolside relaxation. This retreat is an invitation to nourish your body, mind, and soul in the embrace of this sacred land

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The Reiki way - level 1
to Nov 26

The Reiki way - level 1

Endelig er tiden her, og 25. og 26. November blir det Reiki healer 1 utdannelse i Oslo. Ikke bare tiden, men verden er klar, klarere enn den noen gang har vært, og er det noe verden trenger så er det nettopp flere med Reiki i hender og hjerter.

Reiki er en japansk naturlig helbredelsesteknikk, og direkte oversatt betyr det spirituell guidet livsenergi.

Reiki har vært en fast følgesvenn for meg de siste årene som jeg bruker til daglig i alt jeg gjør, ikke bare når jeg holder space eller gir behandlinger, men som medmenneske og i daglige gjøremål og andre prosjekter. Reiki har endret livet mitt og jeg har naturligvis også da en intensjon om å tilby og bringe denne gaven videre til de som måtte ønske det.

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Indre/ytre landskap. Feminin yoga + Breathwork med Cathrine Mathiesen og Ina Winter Andersen på Nøsen
to Apr 16

Indre/ytre landskap. Feminin yoga + Breathwork med Cathrine Mathiesen og Ina Winter Andersen på Nøsen

Denne helgen inviterer vi kvinner i alle aldre og faser av livet opp på fjellet og hjem til seg selv. Sammen utforsker vi kropp og sinn gjennom yoga og pust i lune omgivelser omgitt av storslått natur. Kan vi komme litt nærmere vår egen stemme, eller intuisjon - vårt eget finjusterte navigasjonssystem? Vi møter oss selv med et åpent sinn og et åpent hjerte, og støtter hverandre på veien.

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The art of attunment
to Feb 10

The art of attunment

Are you ready for an up-level? Attune your inner compass for your most alligned self.

My wish is that you start the day with intent. Come ‘back’ to yourself, to your core and move from this place of grace and power throughout your day with all your interactions. I want you to find the space where your practice is not something you do on the mat, but that you invoke it every day and allow it into your daily work, play, rest and pleasure. This is where the real practice and magic occurs.

Will you move into the new year with power, intent and grace with me?

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