Choose your healing session

  • In person and online

    The Signature session is the perfect set up of Yin and Yang, designed to unravel and unblock as well as balancing and tuning you up into your most authentic and highest expression of yourself.

    In the session, you will have an intuitive tune-in, where the tone for the session is set. Afterward, we move into Breathwork, where we work on shedding layers and moving through blocks and stagnation and where opening follows. Ina guides you orally through this part, as well as helping the body to release what needs to be worked through physically. This is the active part, the yang that is followed by the Yin and the surrender and integration. Here you will experience hands-on energy healing, followed by aura cleansing and sound healing. The sessions are most times followed by a little talk to integrate your experience.

  • The reading is just that, a reading of your current energy and other information available in your field at this specific moment. This can be about all areas of your life, whether family, life path, work, or a specific relationship. The aim is to empower you to trust your own inner guidance and to be the mirror of the things you might already have a sense about but has not dared to trust or need support to see. In my opinion, this is the only way to true transformation, you have to feel it yourself and do the work, as this is why we are here in human form, to go through these life lessons and to heal and grow. I have a gift of seeing which parts of you that are not integrated and connected as well as going into the core energetic issue of illness and unbalance. I do work with your inner child and do soul retrievals. I am a weaver, binding the threads and helping you to create the highest expression of the life you are meant to live.

  • In person and online

    The benefits of Breathwork are multiple, and this very potent and efficient practice has been life-changing to many. Breathwork is a deep-activating meditation technique, which uses the breath as a connection to move and clear stagnate energy in the body, mind, and spirit. In short, Breathwork is heart work.

    This session is good for you that are new this kind of Breathwork healing, or if you have been practicing breathwork before and are ready to move deeper into the practice of breathwork. For many, Breathwork is also a practise that is a door to expanded and non-ordinary states of consciousness, this is also where deep transformative experience and healing can occur. It’s a path into your spirit, and for many, a journey back home to your true being and essence. The session will start by getting grounded, tuning into you and your needs, and setting an intention for the breathwork journey ahead.

  • In person

    Sometimes the most profound and deep healing is the simplest and purest forms of them. Reiki offers just that. I would describe it as heavenly rest, like plugging you into the source of where we all come from. A charging of our reservoirs and balancing of all our aspects, the physical, mental, emotional, and energetic. It is a traditional Japanese healing modality, and Reiki can be translated into Rei, which means spirit, and Ki that means life force. What it means is that Reiki is a spiritually guided life force. Reiki is performed by hands-on palm healing on your body as well as in your aura and energy field.

    Reiki is a non-invasive form of therapy, which means it is suitable for everyone, children and the elderly alike. It is also a treatment suitable for anyone going through any medical treatment to complement and ensure that the body, mind, and spirit are as supported as they can be during a time of healing. Reiki is also very recommended to do spiritual and energetic maintenance to detect energetic unbalances before they materialize.