1st CYCLE  02.01-10.02 

The art of attunement

 A 40-day online daily Sadhana practice and healing container with live workshops and daily accountability. 

What you attune to you become.

Are you ready for an up-level? Attune your inner compass for your most alligned self.

My wish is that you start the day with intent. Come ‘back’ to yourself, to your core and move from this place of grace and power throughout your day with all your interactions. I want you to find the space where your practice is not something you do on the mat, but that you invoke it every day and allow it into your daily work, play, rest and pleasure. This is where the real practice and magic occurs.

Will you move into the new year with power, intent and grace with me?

What you get

A daily practice for 40 days

The daily practice is the corner stone of the container. The benefits of doing the practice for 40 days are many and proven, and will bring about changes on all levels. We will practice LIVE together 3 times a week, and there will be a recorded practice for you to follow on the other days to do in your own time. There will be an option for a longer practice with more movement on days where you are up for it.

Workbook for clarity

As a part of the course you will get a workbook with guided material and assignments to support your practice. Our journey together is outlines and the workbook will support you to help you go deeper into the material and get the most out of the practice with journal prompts, self-inquiry and ritual suggestions.

6 Live Workshops

Over the course of the 40 days together we will have weekly LIVE 90 min workshops where we will dive into different modalities and work with our theme with different practices. We will have two Breathwork healing sessions, Kundalini yoga, group healing work and meditation + Q&A and time to connect face to face. This will happen live on zoom and you can catch the recording if you can´t make it live.

Bonus practices

Curated practices to best support your healing and growth. Practices to reset and balance the nervous system and working with your endocrine system for overall health and healing. There will also be other treats.

Daily accountability

To best support you and to set you up for success we will have ongoing daily ‘check-ins’ and accountability via a chat group. This is not mandatory, but it´s a huge help and it really does make the whole difference when we check in and connect on a daily basis.

25% Discount on healing sessions

For the duration of the Sadhana you get 25 % discount on al 1:1 sessions, in person or online.

Price 1888,- NOK


If you are needing financial assistance please apply here.

The intention behind the online Sadhana

From knowing to being

For many years I have contemplated offering a daily practice for you.  Creating a healing container with tried and tested tools and techniques allowing you to live a life full of miracles, transformation, and growth.

My own sadhana has been the foundation and stability in my life for many years and it has had a profound affect on me and how I live and experience life. In turbulent times it has shown me the way and helped me find  peace and understanding even in the midst of chaos. It has confirmed meaning and patterns emerging in my life and permitted me to see the lessons as they arise, enabling me to harvest those hidden gifts and apply my personal strengths. It has shifted me from being a passive bystander to an active co-creator, where life no longer happens to me… rather it happens through me.

When we change the internal landscape, our outer reality changes in correlation. I witness this every day with myself and also with my clients. I want to help you achieve the same.

Is this for me?

This is for everyone who is curious and serious about real growth and transformation. No prior experience is needed, only curiosity and an intention to deepen and go within yourself.

This is the space for you if you are looking for an intentional healing space with an intimate community with daily accountability and support. In the jungle of offerings and practices, this is a ‘tried and tested’ selection with curated practices and deepening experiences to propel your growth and healing at all levels of life. I am bringing my trusted and beloved tools, from, Kryias, meditations, energy healing, and breathwork

Every cycle is unique, as we grow into and work with a specific universal theme that can be integrated and utilized in levels of our life.

I can´t wait to hold this space for you.

Ina Winter

30 min daily Sadhana

06:30-07:00 Oslo time /or at your most convenient time  

live 3 times a week on instagram live + recording

90 min weekly Workshop

Mainly Mondays at 19:00-20:30 Oslo time

live via zoom or catch the recording

2 min daily accountability

Check in and keep up with the commitment

+ optimal time with journal and workbook

+ optional bonus practises

Time use and schedule

The program is designed to fit all schedules and needs, where you can choose to practice live or do the recordings in your time.

The morning practice is a 30 min Sadhana combining energetic movements, pranayama and powerful kundalini meditation to you up for the day. This is the most important part of the course, where the proven effects of keeping a daily practice for 40 days is mind blowing.

The weekly workshops can be joined live or via a recording at your convenience.

Are your ready to lift the vail and go beyond?